Tell us about your team…
REAP technologies is a world-class multidisciplinary team with expertise in ed tech, mixed reality, neuroscience, AI, SaaS and information security. Our industry, academic partners, clients and collaborators include: Microsoft, BBC, Harvard, Oxford University, Porsche, Unreal, nVidia. Team members have raised millions in research funding and venture capital.

Why are your team’s efforts important now, and how do you see them scaling up in the future?
Our team efforts are currently focused on ensuring that our candidates are properly supported, so that they can secure the most appropriate roles according to their current skill set and ambition. We are also making sure we are robust in terms of our ability to scale up to 5000 trainees. We are currently optimizing and securing our infrastructure and support systems.
How has the XPRIZE Rapid Reskilling competition furthered your success? How has it changed you?
Being part of the XPRIZE Rapid Reskilling competition has given us access to an entirely new frontline in training and employment. We have been able to develop a remarkable new system combining AR, VR with neuro-adaptive feedback. As we iterate our system will become increasingly intuitive. All of our team are obsessed with building 'tech for social good' solutions and working on this project has allowed us to build a vision for the future that we are confident really works for all.
How is your solution tailored to reskill workers in the pandemic? What have been the unique challenges or benefits of launching your solution during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Our hybrid solution which involves mixing online and ‘live’ components has proven optimal for our candidates, however, due to the pandemic and long periods of isolation some of our biggest challenges have involved maintaining the mental resilience and enthusiasm of our candidates. As a result we worked with our candidates proactively to provide a wholistic environment of positive reinforcement that has ensured ongoing engagement and productivity.
What are you looking forward to in the next phase of the competition as a Semifinalist?
To venture into two new industries (construction and cyber security) whilst building on the robustness of our unique platform.
Lastly, outside of your work, what aspect of the future of work excites you right now?
We are fascinated by how we can augment the apprentice/expert relationship through the use of neuroscience and mixed reality technologies. We believe capturing and preserving human skills, in-situ, for later interactive playback across mobile, AR and VR opens up a whole new economy. Crucially we aim to capture the bio-mechanical skills of an individual so that they themselves have ownership of that recorded skill, thereby allowing them to continue to profit from their unique abilities, even after retirement.
Learn more the rest of the XPRIZE Rapid Reskilling semifinalist teams in the race to the finish here.